Saturday, February 23, 2008

offlinetime while rebuilding db

we switched the domain-database to new, hopefully faster hdd's sponsored by roelof temmingh (and me).
since postgresql still denies a parallel installation i took the opportunity to rebuild the database, update the server and switch the stuff to the new sata-raid. it'll take a few hours until the database is rebuilt and restarted, but it's weekend - you don't work anyway, do you?

we'll be back again soon.



Anonymous said...

% Copyright (c)2006 by DENIC
% Version: 1.07.5
% Restricted rights.
% Terms and Conditions of Use
All the domain data that is visible in the whois search is protected by law. It is not permitted to use it for any purpose other than technical or administrative requirements associated with the operation of the Internet or in order to contact the domain holder over legal problems. You are not permitted to save it electronically or in any other way without DENIC's express written permission. It is prohibited, in particular, to use it for advertising or any similar
purpose. By maintaining the connection you assure that you have a legitimate interest in the data and that you will only use it for the stated purposes. You are aware
that DENIC maintains the right to initiate legal proceedings against you in the event of any breach of this assurance and to bar you from using its whois query.

thomas said...

how nice - the legal department strikes back.

while it's a fact that there are tons of sites offering plain whois-lookups without any comments out there on the net, i am goin to comply and add the disclaimers and comments to serversniffs output, rendering whois-info almost useless.

really - this is dumb and not followable:

whenever you view a whois-page (even at, the content gets saved in proxies and your local browsercache.

whenever you choose to use one of the whois-sites that won't display disclaimers, you're free to save this data.

finally i don't really see a real abuse-potential here.

but anyway: here you are: comments in domainreports are shown. you are no longer allowed to view this data in your browser unless you set your cache-size to 000KB.

you're fine now?


Anonymous said...

One of the hostingproviders I work with,, pointed me to your service which is very usefull and has a lot of usefull tools. Thanks for it! Good luck,

Anonymous said...

Die in der whois-Abfrage ersichtlichen Domaindaten sind rechtlich geschützt. Sie dürfen nur zum Zwecke der technischen oder administrativen Notwendigkeiten des Internetbetriebs oder zur Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Domaininhaber bei rechtlichen Problemen genutzt und ohne ausdrückliche schriftliche Erlaubnis der DENIC eG weder elektronisch noch in anderer Art gespeichert werden. Insbesondere die Nutzung zu Werbe- oder ähnlichen Zwecken ist ausdrücklich untersagt.

Sie haben versichert, dass Ihrerseits ein berechtigtes Interesse vorliegt und Sie die ausgegebenen Daten nur zu diesen Zwecken nutzen werden. Ihnen ist bekannt, dass sich die DENIC eG vorbehält, bei Missachtung dieser Versicherung rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten und Sie von der Nutzung der whois-Abfrage auszuschließen.

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