Monday, February 19, 2007


Serversniff was down, and is up again. With a reduced toolset, still. I kicked the old installation in a fit of rage when a bunch of tools failed to compile due to Suse's crazy path-structure.

I always hated Suse, and since years \me refuses to work with any non-debian-system whenever possible. We had to choose Suse for Serversniffs hoster Strato didn't offer anything else a year ago.

Things have changed, Strato offers other distributions. We set up a new system on debian sarge, updated from sid to be more up2date. We did a restore from backup, which worked quite well, despite some upgrade-hassle with mysql (4->5) or some changed network-functionalities or text-output from commandlinetools like ping.

We're still missing the SSL- and the Crypto-Functions, and many API-Functions still fail or behave a bit strange - We will restore these during the next few days - they had to be revamped anyway, so expect more api-functions and public stuff to run a bit smoother when it's all restored. We apologize for any inconvinience.


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